Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I'm a blogger now?

I've always heard that everyone has a good book inside of them if they would just sit down and write. I may not be writing the next bestseller, but I do have a story to tell. So here I am....starting a blog. I guess I have toyed around with this idea for a few months now, I just never got the courage to actually start. You'll hear me rave about my favorite things, rant about the injustices of the world, but mostly see really cute pictures of my family while I tell you tales of how I try and keep my sanity (hint: some days I don't).

(Photo Credit:

So here I am: A wife of almost 3 years and a mother to a 15 month old little boy. We moved back to my hometown about 9 months ago with grand plans of settling down and buying a house. Now we think we might be picking up and moving again (Our 4th time since being married). Although I have my degree from Purdue University and thought I would be out in the world making a huge difference, we decided for me stay at home with our son and make a huge difference in his little world instead. I guess you would call us "crunchy". We cloth diaper, bed share, breastfeed, baby wear, and try to make the most natural choices for our family.

I guess I picked the name, "Champagne Wishes, Diaper Reality" because it rings so true... I always think life is going to go the glamorous "perfect" way, but sometimes I get a stinky diaper instead. Through it all, I love the stinky diapers life hands to's not perfect, but it's my perfect.

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