No pants, dirty shirt from the day before (someone fell asleep in their car seat), and a crock on the wrong foot. What a way to start the day.
If that wasn't enough for you, a week or so later I earned another mommy award. Again, I was doing something in the kitchen and I saw Vance go in the pantry. We had since moved all opened cereal boxes and other things to higher shelves. He likes to play in the pantry (odd kid), so we have things on the lower shelves and floor that he is allowed to play with. He shut the door most of the way and I could hear him playing. A few minutes go by and my mommy instincts are going off, but I dismiss them because I know he can't get into anything. A few more minutes pass and I decided I cannot ignore that annoying voice in my head and I go to peek in on him.... What I find is a toddler with the Crisco tub sitting between his legs and him slathering himself and the floor with it. I have no idea how he managed to get it down. Part of me thinks he got out the step stool, used it, then folded it up nicely and put it back... haha. Sorry folks, no picture this time because he promptly got a bath and I then scrubbed the floor, but you can use your imagination.
Have you ever earned a Mommy Award? Tell me about it in the comments!
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